Web I/O with Modbus Support

i.CanDoIt® Server with Modbus, SNMP

AMJR-14-IP Modbus web server

AddMe Jr. Model AMJR-14-IP

• 12 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 2 Discrete Outputs
• Modbus RTU Master
• Modbus TCP Client and Server
• SNMP Agent
• Programmable with i.CanDrawIt®

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i.CanDoIt® Server with Modbus, SNMP

AM3-IP-MB Modbus web server

AddMe III Model AM3-IP-MB

• 18 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 4 Analog Outputs
• 8 Discrete Outputs
• 2 Discrete/Pulse Inputs
• Modbus RTU Master
• Modbus TCP Client and Server
• SNMP Agent
• Programmable with i.CanDrawIt®

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i.CanDoIt® Server with RS-232 ASCII, Script Basic

AMJR-14-IP-BASIC Modbus web server

AddMe Jr. Model AMJR-14-IP-BASIC

• 12 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 2 Discrete Outputs
• RS-232 Serial Port User Programmable
• Modbus TCP Client and Server
• SNMP Agent
• Programmable with Script Basic

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i.CanDoIt® Server with Modbus, Script Basic, SNMP

IB-100 Modbus web server

Internet I/O Board Model IB-100

• 8 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 2 Discrete Outputs
• Modbus TCP Client and Server
• SNMP Agent with Traps
• Programmable with Script Basic

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i.CanDoIt® Server with Modbus, Script Basic, SNMP

IB-110 Modbus web server

Internet I/O Board Model IB-110

• 8 Analog/Universal Inputs
• Modbus RTU Master
• Modbus TCP Client and Server
• SNMP Agent with Traps
• Programmable with Script Basic

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i.CanDoIt® Server with Modbus, Script Basic

AMJR-14-DM Modbus web server

AddMe Jr. Model AMJR-14-DM

• 12 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 2 Discrete Outputs
• Modbus RTU Master
• Modbus TCP Client and Server
• Programmable with Script Basic

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i.CanDoIt® Server with Modbus, Script Basic, SNMP

BAS-700 Modbus web server

Modular BAS-700 Series

• Powerful web features
• Input point count from 4 to 192
• Output point count from 2 to 64
• Any I/O mix of up to 8 I/O boards
• Mix analog and discrete, input & output

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Web I/O with BACnet IP Support

i.CanDoIt® Server, BACnet IP

AMJR-14-BN BACnet web server

AddMe Jr. Model AMJR-14-BN

• 12 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 2 Discrete Outputs
• Modbus RTU Master Gateway
• BACnet IP Client and Server
• COV Subscription Support
• Programmable with i.CanDrawIt®

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i.CanDoIt® Server, BACnet IP

AM3-IP-BN BACnet web server

AddMe III Model AM3-IP-BN

• 18 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 4 Analog Outputs
• 8 Discrete Outputs
• 2 Discrete/Pulse Inputs
• Modbus RTU Gateway
• BACnet IP Client and Server
• Programmable with i.CanDrawIt®

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Programmable I/O for Modbus RTU

AM3-SM Programmable I/O for Modbus RTU

AddMe III Model AM3-SM

• 18 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 4 Analog Outputs
• 8 Discrete Outputs
• 2 Discrete/Pulse Inputs
• Modbus RTU Slave
• Freely Programmable

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AMJR-SM Programmable I/O for Modbus RTU

AddMe Lite Model AMJR-14-SM

• 12 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 2 Discrete Outputs
• Modbus RTU Slave
• Freely Programmable

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Programmable I/O for BACnet MS/TP

AM3-SB Programmable I/O for BACnet MS/TP

AddMe III Model AM3-SB

• 18 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 4 Analog Outputs
• 8 Discrete Outputs
• 2 Discrete/Pulse Inputs
• BACnet MS/TP Slave
• Freely Programmable

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AMJR-SB Programmable I/O for BACnet MS/TP

AddMe Lite Model AMJR-14-SB

• 12 Analog/Universal Inputs
• 2 Discrete Outputs
• BACnet MS/TP Slave
• Freely Programmable

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