Control Solutions Remote Monitoring enables you to:

  • Remotely monitor operation
  • Get automated notification of potential problems
  • Reduce down time
  • Reduce trips to site, go when actually needed
  • Track preventive maintenance more accurately
  • Automate dispatch of fuel delivery or maintenance
  • Track trends, improve operating efficiency
  • Improve your bottom line!

Stand-Alone Remote Monitoring

Are you looking for a simple solution?

Our own statistics gathered over the past decade tell us that more than 50% of users of remote monitoring services never log into any web site to check on their remote monitoring. They simply expect to get text messages on their mobile phone when their attention is needed.

ValuPoint or Babel Buster IoT configured for stand-alone remote monitoring is the ideal do-it-yourself remote monitoring system. You get simple yet powerful remote monitoring without the need for a monitoring service.

Built-in alarm monitoring watches your equipment and sends emailed text messages directly to your mobile phone alerting you to problems. You decide what events you want to know about and use a simple text message template to create the notification.

 Learn more about Stand-Alone Remote Monitoring

Cloud Based Remote Monitoring

Control Solutions remote monitoring devices can operate stand-alone or cloud connected using the industry standard MQTT protocol. Options for MQTT broker include Amazon AWS IoT, Mosquitto MQTT, and ThingsBoard. You can host Mosquitto MQTT or the community edition of ThingsBoard on your own server if you wish. Any commercial MQTT broker derived from or compatible with Mosquitto MQTT is also likely to work just fine.

Babel Buster IoT devices connect to ThingsBoard

Control Solutions MQTT clients include features specific to ThingsBoard that allow MQTT interaction with graphic widgets on the dashboard. Data published by the Babel Buster IoT Gateway can show up as real-time gauge indications or charts. Input from the dashboard such as knob adjustments or switch changes will be immediately reported to the Babel Buster IoT Gateway and those changes are immediately accessible as local device data.

 Learn more about Control Solutions IoT Devices

AWS IoT Remote Monitoring

The Internet of Things has grown exponentially in recent years and cloud based support is easy to access and affordable. Control Solutions is committed to enhancing its product line to give you rapid access to cloud based web services.

Babel Buster IoT Gateways incorporate the Amazon Web Services IoT Core. These devices use the industry standard MQTT protocol to publish and subscribe to data in the cloud.

Control Solutions’ Babel Buster IoT Gateways turn your devices into Things on the Internet of Things. Gain instant access to a wide range of machine learning and AI capabilities, a wide range of data storage and analytics, and a variety of event handling and notification capabilities. All of this is made possible by the Babel Buster IoT Gateway and the many features of resources like Amazon Web Services.

 Build IoT Solutions for Free on AWS

We've been doing this for a while!

Control Solutions has been providing remote monitoring solutions since 2008. We were busy putting “things” on the Internet with both wireless and wired technologies long before “Internet of Things” became a popular buzzword. With Control Solutions Minnesota, you can remotely monitor anything. Our remote monitoring is not limited to any particular narrow vertical market. Our remote monitoring is more like the “PLC of remote monitoring” - it can be adapted to anything.

Applications we serve include...

  • Generators, backup power systems
  • Oil and gas field equipment
  • Greenhouses
  • Freezers, refrigerators
  • Building management systems
  • Agricultural equipment
  • Landfill sites
  • Marine equipment
  • Construction equipment
  • Fleet equipment
  • Cell towers
  • Mill equipment
  • Pollution remediation sites
  • Machine automation