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number indicates which register is being configured on this page. This
register number is the Modbus holding register number you would request
from a Modbus master if the Babel Buster is functioning as a slave.
Click "next" and "prev" to scroll through the register list. To advance
directly to a specific register, enter the desired number in the
"Register #" box, then click Update. Select
the data format you wish to assign to this register from the data
format list. This selection will determine whether one, two, or more
consecutive Modbus registers will be consumed by the data value that
starts at this register number. Modbus protocol specifies that a
"register" is always strictly 16 bits. Therefore a 64-bit number
will occupy 4 consecutive "registers" that is treated as one data value
by a typical application. If data format is character, then you also
need to specify a size in number of characters. Characters will be
packed 2 ASCII characters per Modbus register. Therefore, as an example,
a 20-character string will occupy 10 Modbus "registers". Modbus
protocol does not dictate whether the low order or high order data
comes first when data greater than 16 bits is represented by multiple
registers. To make sure the Babel Buster is compatible with other
devices, you have the option of reversing the order with the check box
after the comment "Least significant data should be in first register".
If left unchecked, then the most significant data will be in the first
register (also referred to as "big endian"). Select
the BACnet object type and instance number that should be
associated with this Modbus register. This BACnet object will be one of
the local objects found at the Local Objects tab. Property will
default to Present Value. You also have the option of reading the
object's reliability code or status flags (as bit packed integer). You
can write to Present Value, but can only read reliability and status.
Attempting to write to reliability or status will result in a Modbus
exception. In addition, reading or writing a BACnet object that does not
exist will result in a Modbus exception even though this register does
exist in the Modbus address space. Mapped
BACnet object is a label such as "AI 2" following the format "XX
N" where XX is a 2-character object type abbreviation, and N is the
instance number. The following abbreviations are recognized:
Label | Object Type |
AI | Analog Input |
AO | Analog Output |
AV | Analog Value |
BI | Binary Input |
BO | Binary Output |
BV | Binary Value |
MI | Multistate Input |
MO | Multistate Output |
MV | Multistate Value | Errors
are readily indicated when this gateway is acting as master or client.
But if a remote master or client stops providing data, the only way to
detect that is absence of updates. Therefore, you have the option of
setting a host timeout on the object mapped to the server here. Upon
timeout, you have the option of indicating the timeout as a non-zero
reliability code and fault in the BACnet object status, or simply
setting a default value that may mean something as an off-normal value
to Modbus. |