Appendix A - CSV File Format

Refer to Section 3 of this user guide for examples and discussion of how to use CSV files.

A.1       Object Maps

The columns noted in the following table are used to identify and define BACnet objects in the gateway device.

Object Object - ASCII string identifying the local object type and instance, "TT-N" where N is instance 1..MAX_OBJECT, and TT is one of the following:
    AI = Analog Input
    AO = Analog Output
    AV = Analog Value
    BI = Binary Input
    BO = Binary Output
    BV = Binary Value
    MI = Multi-state Input
    MO = Multi-state Output
    MV = Multi-state Value
Example: "AI-1" is Analog Input 1, "AO-14" is Analog Output 14, etc. (You do not need to include quote characters for this column in the CSV file.)
IsModbus T if mapped to Modbus, or F
IsGroup T if member of packed Modbus register, or F
IsMixed T if member of mixed type packed Modbus register, or F
IsBACnet T if mapped to BACnet objects in another BACnet device, or F
ReadPoll T if periodic Read, or F
WritePoll T if periodic Write, or F
WriteDelta T if Write on Delta, or F
DefPOR T if default on POR enabled, or F
DefNOK T if default on comm. fail enabled, or F
DefOOS T if default to Out Of Service on power-up, or F
PollTime Integer, Periodic poll time in seconds
Timeout Integer, BACnet slave timeout in seconds
MaxQuiet T if max. quiet enabled, or F
Scale Real, scale factor
Offset Real, offset for scaling
DefaultValue Real or Integer as applicable to object type, default value
SendDelta Real, delta threshold for Write on Delta
InitCOVincrement Real, initial COV increment
InitCOVperiod Integer, COV period in seconds
InitRelinquish Real or Integer as applicable to object type, initial relinquish default
FailCount Integer, count of comm. fails before Fault indicated
Units Integer, Units code as defined by BACnet standard
ObjectName Character String (must enclose in quotes if string includes comma character)
Description Character String (must enclose in quotes if string includes comma character)

The columns noted in the following table are used to identify Modbus registers that will be polled by the gateway device, with content of the polled registers placed into (or taken from) BACnet objects in the gateway device.

ModbusRegNum Integer, Modbus register number
ModbusRegType RemoteRegType - ASCII string, 2-character code, representing Modbus register type:
    ‘NO’ - none
    ‘0X’ - coil(s) - uses FC15 to write
    ‘1X’ - discrete input
    ‘3X’ - input register
    ‘4X’ - holding register(s) - uses FC16 to write
    ‘0S’ - coil, use FC5 to write single
    ‘4S’ - holding register, use FC6 to write single
ModiconReg Integer, Modbus register number in Modicon format (Do not include ModbusRegNum or ModbusRegType if using ModiconReg. Do not include ModiconReg if using ModbusRegNum and ModbusRegType.)
ModbusRegFormat RemoteRegFormat - ASCII string, 4-character code, representing Modbus register format:
    ‘NONE’ - none
    ‘SIGN’ - signed integer (16-bit)
    ‘UNSI’ - unsigned integer (16-bit)
    ‘SDBE’ - signed double integer, big endian (32-bit, register pair)
    ‘UDBE’ - unsigned double integer, big endian (32-bit, register pair)
    ‘FPBE’ - floating point, big endian (register pair)
    ‘BBIT’ - bit
    ‘SDLE’ - signed double integer, little endian (32-bit, register pair)
    ‘UDLE’ - unsigned double integer, little endian (32-bit, register pair)
    ‘FPLE’ - floating point, little endian (register pair)
ModbusMask Integer, hexadecimal representation
ModbusFill Integer, hexadecimal representation
ModbusSlaveId Integer, Modbus slave address or unit number

The columns noted in the following table are used to identify BACnet objects in other BACnet devices that will be polled by the gateway device, with content of the polled objects placed into (or taken from) BACnet objects in the gateway device.

ObjDevice Integer, BACnet device instance
ObjType ASCII string (2 characters) identifying the local object type, where string is one of the following:
    AI = Analog Input
    AO = Analog Output
    AV = Analog Value
    BI = Binary Input
    BO = Binary Output
    BV = Binary Value
    MI = Multi-state Input
    MO = Multi-state Output
    MV = Multi-state Value
ObjInstance Integer, BACnet object instance
ObjProperty Integer, BACnet property code as defined by BACnet standard
ObjIndex Integer, array index, -1 if no index
ObjPriority Integer, priority 1-16 or 0 if none
ObjEncoding Integer, object encoding
    (0) Null
    (1) Boolean
    (2) Unsigned Integer
    (3) Signed Integer
    (4) Real
    (8) Bit String
    (9) Enumerated
BitNumber Integer, bit number
MacAddr Integer (0..254), MAC address of MS/TP device if slave-only device or does not support dynamic binding (Who-Is/I-Am). Normally should be zero so that Who-Is is allowed to take care of device discovery.


The header line for a CSV file containing only BACnet client mappings will be exported as (exclude blanks, line breaks):

Object, IsBACnet, ReadPoll, WritePoll, WriteDelta, DefPOR, DefNOK, PollTime, Timeout, MaxQuiet, Scale, Offset, DefaultValue, SendDelta, InitRelinquish, FailCount, Units, ObjectName, Description, ObjDevice, ObjType, ObjInstance, ObjProperty, ObjIndex, ObjPriority, ObjEncoding, BitNumber, MacAddr

The header line for a CSV file containing only Modbus client mappings will be exported as (exclude blanks, line breaks):

Object, IsModbus, ReadPoll, WritePoll, PollTime, InitRelinquish, Units, ObjectName, Description, ModbusRegNum, ModbusRegType, ModbusRegFormat, ModbusSlaveId

The header line for a CSV file containing both Modbus and BACnet client mappings will be exported as (exclude blanks, line breaks):

Object, IsModbus, IsBACnet, ReadPoll, WritePoll, WriteDelta, DefPOR, DefNOK, PollTime, Timeout, MaxQuiet, Scale, Offset, DefaultValue, SendDelta, InitRelinquish, FailCount, Units, ObjectName, Description, ModbusRegNum, ModbusRegType, ModbusRegFormat, ModbusSlaveId, ObjDevice, ObjType, ObjInstance, ObjProperty, ObjIndex, ObjPriority, ObjEncoding, BitNumber, MacAddr

A.2       Object Text

The columns noted in the following table are used to identify and define text strings for Binary and Multi-state objects in the gateway device.

Object Object - ASCII string identifying the local object type and instance, "TT-N" where N is instance 1..MAX_OBJECT, and TT is one of the following:
    BI = Binary Input
    BO = Binary Output
    BV = Binary Value
    MI = Multi-state Input
    MO = Multi-state Output
    MV = Multi-state Value
Example: "BI-1" is Binary Input 1, "BO-14" is Binary Output 14, etc. (You do not need to include quote characters for this column in the CSV file.)
State For Binary objects: 0=inactive text, 1=active text
For Multi-state objects: 1..N where N is maximum state configured for Multi-state objects
Text Character String (must enclose in quotes if string includes comma character)