Device #
Device Instance
Local Name: 
Default Poll Period
SecondsDefault Write Priority:
Reply Timeout:
Address Binding:
Dynamic (Who-Is) Static
Device Address
Network Number
MAC Length
MAC Address
Quick Help

Device number simply shows you where you are on the device list. Click "next" and "prev" to scroll through the list.

Remote BACnet IP devices to be accessed by this device are specified here. Enter the Device Instance of the remote device, a name to reference in other pages, and a poll rate. Then click "update".

Select dynamic or static address binding. Dynamic binding is used most often, and simply means the gatewill will send out a "Who-Is" request asking for the device instance to respond, at which time the gateway learns its IP address (or MS/TP address) automatically.

If static binding must be used and the device is BACnet IP, enter the fixed IP address you know the device instance to be found at. If no port is given, it will default to 0xBAC0 (47808). Enter IP as a.b.c.d or IP with port as a.b.c.d:p, for example

Include network number, mac length, and mac address ONLY if static binding to a device on the other side of a BACnet router.

When dynamic address binding is used (default), the gateway broadcasts a "Who-Is" looking for this device instance when a read or write map wants to use this device. When (if) it responds, its IP address or MS/TP MAC address is listed here simply as a diagnostic. Timeouts resulting from inability to reach this device are tabulated on this page as well, and may be cleared by clicking the Clear button. To cause the who-is process to be repeated, click Clear Cache. When dynamic binding is used, the IP address is read-only and any changes entered will be ignored.