Binary Value #
Reliability: 0Status: 0,0,0,0Device Link: BIP R6 ---Out of Service: Deconfigure:
Object name  Force Present Value
Active Text: Inctive Text:
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The object name, units, value, and status are shown for the object number entered at the top of the page. Click Prev/Next to scroll through the list. Click Refresh to update the page, or Update to accept changes.

The object name and description may be changed here. State text may be entered. When any of these are changed, be sure to save the updated configuration by clicking Save on the Config File page under System Setup.

The object may be set Out of Service by checking that box and clicking Update. The present value may be changed by entering a value, checking Force, and clicking Update.

Binary Value objects may be both a source and destination for some other BACnet device. The source of data for the Value object will be reading from a remote device when associated with a Read Map. The destination of data for the Value object will be writing to a remote device when associated with a Write Map. If a remote device is mapped, the device links are displayed above. You may click on either link to view the respective mapping.

The Value object may be simultaneously associated with both Read and Write maps pointing to the same remote device object. When this Value object receives new data (from any source), this data will be written to the mapped remote device before any subsequent read from the same device. Thus the Value data is not discarded by the read operation before the new data can be written.

Out of Service means polling of the remote device will stop. While out of service, the present value may be written by an external BACnet client but it will not be written to any mapped remote device. Data may be forced via this web page at any time, but will be overwritten by the next read from a remote device unless the object is out of service.

Reliability codes indicate errors as itemized on the tabular object list.

Status flags A,B,C,D indicate the following, 0 meaning not true, 1 meaning true:
A = in alarm
B = fault
C = overridden
D = out of service

Device link will indicate RTU, TCP, or BIP, followed by R for read or W for write, and a number which is the map number in the table of read or write maps for mapping to this BACnet object. The designation R means read from a remote device, and W means write to a remote device.

Check 'Deconfigure' and click Update to erase configuration for this object.