8. Configuration Tool: Protocol Settings

The Protocol page is different for each different model of VP3-TM as necessary for the protocol supported by that model. The protocol page is basically the port setting page, although there is a bit more than just port settings for defining a BACnet connection.

8.1. Modbus RTU - VP3-TM10

mod baud=9600
Sets Modbus port baud rate. (Note: Baud rate and other parameters related to the serial port are only available and only used in the RTU version of the device.)

mod parity=none/odd/even
Sets Modbus port parity none, odd, or even.

mod stop=2
Sets number of stop bits, either 2 or 1, defaults to 1 if not 2.

mod bigend=yes/no
Sets big endian mode for Modbus when operating as a slave. Endian flag set in individual objects when operating as master (or sniffer).

mod mode=slave
mod mode=master
mod mode=sniffer
Sets Modbus port to operate as either master or slave.

Modbus RTU also includes "Sniffer Mode" which means you can monitor Modbus data without any reprogramming of the Modbus devices being monitored. As long as there is traffic on the network between a master and one or more slaves, you can monitor it and receive notifications when your selected registers match the criteria you set. Simply configure objects as if the VP3-TM10 were going to operate as a master.

mod timeout=0.5
Sets slave timeout in seconds, with resolution to tenths. Used as global default if timeout not set in object. Timeout applies to slave response when operating as Modbus master, i.e., results in “no response” error if remote slave did not respond in time. Timeout applies to host update when operating as Modbus slave, i.e., can cause object to assume default value if remote master did not update object within specified timeout.

mod predelay=50
Sets predelay timer fo r Modbus port.

mod slave=15
Sets slave address when operating as slave. Disregarded if master=”1”.

mod dailyreset=yes  (or no)
Results in message counts and error counts for Modbus devices being reset once a day. The timing of this reset coincides with daily reports. This can be useful for determining if “show rtuerrors” or “show tcperrors” is showing recent or potentially outdated error counts.

8.2. BACnet MS/TP - VP3-TM30

bac instance=20800
Sets BACnet device instance.

bac name=”My iReport”
Sets device object name. Must be unique, i.e. cannot be same as any object name.

bac desc=”Site Name”
Site name is also accessed as device object description.

bac location=”Test Lab”
Arbitrary location string for device.

bac maxmaster=127
Sets MS/TP Max Master value, must be 1..127.

bac baud=38400
Sets MS/TP baud rate. Must be one of 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800.

bac mac=2
Sets MAC address for MS/TP, must be 0..127.

bac pass=”buster”
Sets BACnet password required for device reinitialization command from BACnet client.

bac apdutime=5000
Sets MS/TP APDU timeout in milliseconds.

bac apduretry=3
Sets MS/TP APDU retry count.

bac segtime=5000
Sets MS/TP APDU segment timeout in milliseconds.

bac maxinfo=1
Sets MS/TP Max Info Frames parameter.

Note: Maximum object counts are fixed at
AV: 100
BV: 100
Both AV’s and BV’s map to the same set of local internal objects, but each object can only be enabled as AV or BV, one or the other. BACnet object type is determined by internal data object type. If BIT, then it is a BV, otherwise it is AV. BACnet queries for object lists will return AV or BV as applicable, and there may be holes in the list (e.g. AV1-5, then AV 11-20, because 6-10 are BV6-10).

8.3. Modbus TCP - VP3-TM60

mod ipaddr=,subnet=,gateway=,port=502
mod ipaddr=n.n.n.n, subnet=m.m.m.m, gateway=q.q.q.q, port=p
Sets configured IP address of the iReport itself to n.n.n.n, subnet mask to m.m.m.m, gateway (if given) to q.q.q.q and Modbus port to ‘p’ (defaults to 502 if not given). If the IP address is set different than what it was, a reboot of the server is needed before the new IP address takes effect.

tcpdev 1,ipaddr=,port=502
Sets up TCP device instance to IP address mapping. Object mappings reference a device number if TCP, and this table configures the IP address and port number for that device.

mod bigend=yes/no
Sets big endian mode for Modbus when operating as a slave. Endian flag set in individual objects when operating as master (or sniffer).

mod dailyreset=yes  (or no)
Results in message counts and error counts for Modbus devices being reset once a day. The timing of this reset coincides with daily reports. This can be useful for determining if “show rtuerrors” or “show tcperrors” is showing recent or potentially outdated error counts.

8.4. BACnet IP - VP3-TM70

bac  ipaddr=, subnet=, gateway=, port=47808
bac  ipaddr=n.n.n.n, subnet=m.m.m.m, gateway=q.q.q.q, port=p
Sets configured IP address of the iReport itself to n.n.n.n, subnet mask to m.m.m.m, gateway (if given) to q.q.q.q and port to ‘p’ (defaults to 47808, if not given). If the IP address is set different than what it was, a reboot of the server is needed before the new IP address takes effect. 

bac pass=”buster”
Sets BACnet password required for device reinitialization command from BACnet client.

bac apdutime=5000
Sets MS/TP APDU timeout in milliseconds.

bac apduretry=3
Sets MS/TP APDU retry count.

bac segtime=5000
Sets MS/TP APDU segment timeout in milliseconds.

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