BB4-8422 SNMP
Trap Receiver
Receiver Rule Status
The trap receiver status page simply provides a list
of all currently configured rules and some diagnostic information about them.
Trap receive count is the number of times this trap has been received since
SNMP Trap Receiver
The Trap Receiver Rules are where you configure this
IoTServer to receive SNMP traps sent by other agents.
The data received from or derived from those traps is stored in local data
To add or insert new rules, enter a number of rules
to add, and select a starting point. Then click the Insert button.
The Set Source Info button is a diagnostic tool. You
do not want multiple client functions (from all protocols combined) trying to
store data into the same local object. Doing so would result in erroneous data
(data would jump back and forth showing the most recently received data from
any source). If you only have one source of data, then this isn't an issue. But
if there will be multiple sources of data, then use the Set Source Info button
to "claim" objects for this protocol function (e.g. SNMP Trap Receive).
If objects have already been claimed in another
protocol and you try to claim the same objects, you will see one or more error
messages displayed at the top of the screen. Go to the Data Objects ->
Object Status page to see where objects have been claimed. The Clear Source
Info button is also found on the Data Objects -> Object Status page. To
clear the claims and try again, use that button. Clicking the Set Source Info
button more than once will also result in error messages since objects have already
been claimed once.
Receiver Rule Edit
Rule Number – Used as a reference in the rule list for ordering the rules.
Peername – Specifies the peername that the trap is
expected to be received from. If an IP address is given, then the IP address of
the incoming trap message is checked. If a host name is given and the incoming
trap message contains a host that could be looked up (via DNS lookup), then the
host name field is checked instead of IP address.
IMPORTANT: The peer name
specified here is for filtering purposes in processing of the received trap. Actually receiving the trap requires that the sender be
recognized as permitted in settings in the snmptrapd.conf
file. Permission to receive the trap is established in snmptrapd.conf.
If received, then the peer name provided here is used
to filter the results for purposes of determining if this rule applies.
TrapOID – Specifies the Trap OID that is expected. Traps and Informs
always contain a Trap OID identifying the trap or inform, along with additional
varbinds with a data payload. The Trap OID must match
the OID given here before action will be taken.
VarOID – Specifies the varbind OID to look for in the
message if the Peername and Trap OID match.
Hint – Provides
direction on how to interpret data in the event the value type is Octet String.
All ASN data types are interpreted according to their type; however, Octet
String will default to being interpreted as a character string unless this hint
says otherwise, and the length is exactly 4 or 8 bytes (octets).
Hint Label |
Description |
None |
No special
interpretation |
Float |
Treat 4-byte Octet
String as RFC 6340 IEEE 754 32-bit floating point |
Double |
Treat 8-byte Octet
String as RFC 6340 IEEE 754 64-bit floating point |
ResultObj – Specifies the local object where data retrieved from the varbind called out by VarOID will
be placed (or fixed value will be placed) assuming the VarOID
is found, and Peername and Trap OID match.
Fixed – Check to
specify that a fixed value should be placed in the local object when this trap
is received, rather than try to derive a data value from the trap message.
Uncheck to parse data from the trap varbind to be
placed in the local object. (Use "Y" to check and "N" to
uncheck in CSV or XML files.)
FixedVal – The fixed value to be placed in the local object any time this trap is
received, assuming the fixed option has been enabled. This feature is most
often used in conjunction with the Timeout feature.
Timeout – Integer number
of seconds for trap receive timeout. Note that this is not a session timeout,
it provides for an automatic reset of the local object value. If zero, then the
timeout feature is disabled.
TimeoutVal – Specifies the fixed value that should be placed in the local object
after the timeout period has expired. The typical scenario is that either the
value gleaned from the trap message itself, or the fixed value, would be placed
in the local object upon receiving the trap. Then ‘timeout’ period later, the
timeout value is placed in the local object, replacing the trap value.
The combination of fixed value and timeout can be
useful in causing a local object to reflect the state of an alarm in an RFC
1628 UPS system. Alarm traps in the UPS will be sent periodically when the
alarm condition exists, and simply stop being sent when the alarm clears. If
the trap sets a fixed value, and if the timeout is set to a period longer than
the alarm traps repeat, then this creates a means of having a static indication
of alarm presence.
All of your configuration
information is stored in an internal database each time you click the Save
button on any page where configuration entries may be made. To make
configuration portable from one device to another, and for purposes of
retaining a backup copy, the configuration information may be exported and
imported as XML or CSV files. This page is where your configuration file
management takes place.
It is important to note that the
XML file saved within any one client/server function will contain the
configuration information for only that function. Depending on overall system
configuration, a complete backup may involve more than one XML or CSV file.
XML Files: When an XML file has been selected, click
the Load button to clear the configuration database and reload configuration
from the given XML file.
Select an existing name to
overwrite or enter a new file name, and then click Save to write the current
configuration to the file in XML format.
You may type in a new name in the
file name window for purposes of saving a new file. If you click the Refresh
button, the file name will be restored to the name currently loaded into the
client. The name could have been changed by selecting a file from the list
below, or by typing in a new name. If the displayed name has not yet been used,
then Refresh will restore the file name to what was most recently loaded.
CSV Files: If a CSV file is selected, the Load and
Save buttons will change into load/save CSV buttons. When a CSV file has been
selected, click the Load button to clear the configuration database and reload
configuration from the given CSV file.
Select an existing name to
overwrite or enter a new file name, and then click Save to write the current
configuration to the file in CSV format.
Snmptrapd.conf Files: Any time the snmptrapd.conf
file is regenerated on the Snmptrapd.conf page, you
will need to come here to transfer that generated file into the SNMP engine.
Select the generated .conf file from the drop-down list below, and then click
the Load button. You can also retrieve a copy of the snmptrapd.conf
file actually in use by clicking the Save button. The content of the currently
in-use snmptrapd.conf file will be transferred to the
file name you have entered.
NOTE: Any time you reload the snmptrapd.conf file here, you also need to click the
Restart SNMP button at the bottom of this page.
The drop-down list will show a
list of all configuration files currently found in the device's configuration
folder. When you select an XML or CSV file from this list, the name will be
copied to the Load/Save section of this page for pending load or save.
You may view the selected file by
simply clicking View. You can delete the file by clicking Delete.
You may upload files to the IoTServer from your PC. Start by clicking Browse, and then
use the browser's file dialog to locate the file on your PC. Once a file is
selected on your PC, click the "Start upload" button to initiate the
You may also download files from
the IoTServer to your PC. Click the Download button
to transfer the selected file to your PC.
Any time an XML or CSV file is
loaded, an error log file is generated. The error log file will be given the
same name as the loaded file, but with ".err" as the suffix instead
of ".xml" or ".csv". You may view the error log by
selecting it from the list and clicking View.
Status is normally displayed in a
message box at the top of the screen when the load or save operation is
complete. But if you want to double check the status of the previous file
operation, click Check Status.
Select Yes to enable logging, or No to disable. When selecting Yes, provide a log name in the
/home/customer/logs/ directory. All accesses to the MIB by external managers
are logged here. It is recommended that you enable logging only temporarily for
diagnostic purposes to avoid eventually running out of file space. NOTE: The
log file enabled here is not the same log file as enabled for the SNMP Agent.
Because the snmptrapd.service does not log SNMPv3 traps to the
log file, additional logging has been added to the csiTrapHandler
application. If the file csiTrapReceiver_info_log is
found in the /home/customer/logs/ directory, the SNMPv3 traps will be logged
there instead of snmptrapd.log.
The log files can be viewed on
the System -> Logs page.
The SNMP Trap Receiver task needs
to be suspended while a file load operation is in progress to prevent acting on
any partial configurations. This suspend/resume operation will normally happen
automatically as part of the sequence invoked by the Load button when loading
an XML file. The task must be explicitly suspended here for importing a CSV
file. The Suspend button will become a Resume button when the task is
suspended. Click Resume to continue operation. The current status is always
displayed here.
The SNMP Trap Receive task
suspended via the Suspend button is the API task that provides the interface
between the web UI and the internal task management. The SNMP Trap Engine
itself is another process. Any time the trap receive rules are
altered, it is necessary to restart the SNMP trap receiver (snmptrapd service). Click Restart SNMP to reload Snmptrapd with the new definition of receive rules.
The minimum snmptrapd.conf
file for receiving SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 traps is as follows:
This example assumes an SNMP community
of “oakpark”. Yours will be different and set to what
you have chosen. The “traphandle” tells the snmptrapd service what to do with the trap. In this case,
it will be passed to the csiTrapHandler for further
processing against the trap receive rules.
The traphandle
includes the trap filter "default". This is equivalent to .*
as defined in the snmptrapd.conf manual available at An example that requires additional filters is the UPS MIB
defined by RFC 1628. Its traps have a trap OID such as To
include these in our filter, it is necessary to manually edit the snmptrapd.conf file ad add one more filter line as
illustrated below. After clicking the Generate Config button on the Snmptrapd.conf page, you can freely edit the content of the
window where its generated content is displayed. When you click the Save button
at the bottom of that window, all content including your edited content is
saved. This can then be loaded into the trap receiver.
The comment says "do not
change this next line". We didn't change it. We inserted a line before it.
You don't want to omit the default line. But you can add additional lines.
We should also note that SNMP
v1/v2 was illustrated here for simplicity. The same approach would be used for
SNMP v3 with the difference being the authentication and privacy parameters
listed per user following the #Users... line. These are pulled in automatically
from the User List when the Generate button is clicked.
There are a number of generic
traps which do not have traditional SNMP trap OIDs. These are encoded by snmptrapd per RFC 2576 and then forwarded to csiTrapHandler. In particular, the traps are as follows:
parameter |
snmpTrapOID.0 |
0 | (coldStart) |
1 | (warmStart) |
2 | (linkDown) |
3 | (linkUp) |
4 | (authenticationFailure) |
5 | (egpNeighborLoss) |
If you wish to receive these
traps, you may need to add a filter line as illustrated above. Then use the
OIDs indicated here as the Trap OID. For the Var OID, simply use the sender
community OID to give the trap receiver something to look
for. There is no real data payload in this type of trap. You would configure
the receive rule to set a fixed value upon receipt of this trap since the trap
itself is really the value you are interested in.
When you enable trap logging,
there are actually two levels of logging available. Traps received by snmptrapd are logged as a minimum. With additional steps, a
second level will be the logging of traps handled by the csiTrapHandler.
The snmptrapd service is responsible for receiving
traps at the protocol stack level. It then hands off received traps to the trap
handler for further processing that includes matching OIDs to trap receive
rules and potentially placing received data in local data objects.
The trap handler logging is
enabled by the existence of a log file named “csiTrapReceiver_info_log”
in the /home/customer/logs/ directory. The snmptrapd
service logging is enabled by the “enable logging” selection at the bottom of
the SNMP Trap Receiver’s Config File page. Any filename can be used for snmptrapd logging.
There is one catch to the dual
logging. If you use only csiTrapReceiver_info_log to
enable logging, then both snmptrapd and csiTrapHandler will be writing to the same file, and they
will overwrite each other. To avoid this, do the following at the bottom of the
Trap Reciever’s Config File page:
You now have two logging files
active. The csiTrapReceiver_info_log file will be
used by csiTrapHandler, and the second file, whatever
it is named, will be used by the snmptrapd service.
Selecting No and clicking Select
Logging Options will disable logging to both files. The csiTrapReceiver_info_log
will be renamed expiredTrap_info_log when logging is
disabled (since the mere existence of csiTrapReceiver_info_log
will trigger logging by csiTrapHandler).
Both of these log files can be
very useful diagnostic tools to help get your trap receiver rules figured out.
If traps do not appear in the log file for snmptrapd,
check your authentication settings. The traps will not appear in the csiTrapHandler file if they do not first appear in the snmptrapd log file. If traps appear in the snmptrapd log file but not the csiTrapHandler
log file, you may need to add additional filters to the snmptrapd.conf
file. The logging done by csiTrapHandler goes one
step further and inserts comments such as "Found IP address",
"Found trap OID", and "Found var OID" indicating its
progress and success (or not) in matching rules to the trap.
Receiver Snmptrapd.conf File
The SNMP Trap engine that responds to Trap messages
requires a configuration file named snmptrapd.conf to
direct its functionality, primarily in terms of authorization. This page allows
automated generation of that file, but with the option to manually edit it.
The SNMP engine in this IoTServer
is the widely used open source Net-SNMP package. If
you are concerned about manually editing the snmptrapd.conf
file, simple search the Internet for Net-SNMP documentation - there is much to
be found.
The port on which SNMP listens for Trap messages
defaults to the standard port 162. You may change it here if you wish.
Authorization for access in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 is
very simply. You only need to match the community names which are treated sort
of like a password. If using SNMP v1 or v2 (v2c), enter your community strings
here. Trap messages received as v1 or v2 will be expected to match this
Click the Generate Config button to auto-generate an snmptrapd.conf file. Parameters
included in the file will be taken from two places: (1) The entries showing
above on this page. (2) User settings from the System -> Users page (if
SNMPv3 enforces access only by known users. These
users may be a person or may be anther machine, but
must be defined as a "user" either way. To permit SNMPv3 Traps (or Informs) to be received, go to the System -> Users page
and create a "user" for each person or machine that will send Traps
to this IoTServer. Once the users are created, and
they have been selected for SNMPv3 Trap access, they will be automatically
included in the snmptrapd.conf file generated here.
Once the interim snmptrapd.conf
file is generated, it may be viewed and optionally edited here. The file
content displayed here is not actually saved to a file until you click the Save
button at the bottom. When Save is clicked, the file
name given will be created or overwritten with the content currently displayed.
There are two more steps required to complete the
reconfiguration of the SNMP Trap Receiver. Go to the SNMP Trap Receiver Config
File page, select the newly created interim snmptrapd.conf
file, and click the Load button (as discussed under “SNMP Trap Receiver Config
File”). Finally, after loading the new snmptrapd.conf
file, click Restart SNMP at the bottom of the Config File page.
Example XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!-- IoT Server SNMP Trap Receive configuration file -->
<rule peername="" resultobj="22" trapoid=""
Rule Number is implied by order in XML, primarily used for database lookup of a specific rule. The rule number has functional significance in some applications, but not when it comes to trap receive rules.
peername=”xxxx” – Specifies the peername that the trap is expected to be received from. If an IP address is given, then the IP address of the incoming trap message is checked. If a host name is given and the incoming trap message contains a host that could be looked up (via DNS lookup), then the host name field is checked instead of IP address.
trapoid=”x.x.x.x…” – Specifies the Trap OID that is expected. Traps and Informs always contain a Trap OID identifying the trap or inform, along with additional varbinds with a data payload. The Trap OID must match the OID given here before action will be taken.
varoid=”x.x.x.x…” – Specifies the varbind OID to look for in the message if the peername and Trap OID match.
resultobj=”n” – Specifies the local object where data retrieved from the varbind called out by varOid will be placed assuming the varOid is found, and peername and trapOid match.
hint=”n” – Provides direction on how to interpret data in the event the value type is Octet String. All ASN data types are interpreted according to their type; however, Octet String will default to being interpreted as a character string unless this hint says otherwise. The exceptions are hint=”1” to interpret 4-octet Octet Strings as 32-bit floating point per RFC 6340, and hint=”2” to interpret 8-octet Octet Strings as 64-bit floating point per RFC 6340. If the hint is non-zero but the Octet String length is not 4 or 8, then it will still be treated as a character string.
fixed=”n” – When non-zero, specifies that this fixed value should be placed in the local object when this trap is received, rather than try to derive a data value from the trap message.
timeout=”n” – Integer number of seconds for trap receive timeout. Note that this is not a session timeout, it provides for an automatic reset of the local object value. If zero, then the timeout feature is disabled.
tval=”n.nn” – Specifies the fixed value that should be placed in the local object after the timeout period has expired. The typical scenario is that either the value gleaned from the trap message itself, or the fixed value, would be placed in the local object upon receiving the trap. Then ‘timeout’ period later, the timeout value is placed in the local object, replacing the trap value. Since traps sometimes indicate only when a condition is present, and not when the condition ceases to exist, this provides a means for automatic resetting of the condition. In particular, UPS systems with RFC 1628 will automatically resend traps indicating alarm conditions, but simply stop sending them when the alarm goes away. The only way to have an alarm state indicator is to use a combination of fixed value and timeout value, and have the timeout period set to just longer than the trap repeat time.
A CSV file may be imported to configure various aspects of the IoTServer (or Babel Buster gateway). A single CSV file may contain multiple sections. When a file including an “Objects” section is imported by the Data Engine, local objects will be configured. When a file including one or more “Modbus” sections is imported by an instance of the Modbus Engine, Modbus gateway functionality will be configured. The same Modbus file may be imported by a Modbus Client or Modbus Server, and either RTU or TCP, and only those sections of interest to that Modbus function will be imported. The CSV file may also contain one or more SNMP sections, and so forth.
A section begins when the word “Begin” appears in the first column of a line. All lines up to and including a line that begins with the word “End” will be taken to be part of that section.
The line immediately following the “Begin” line must be a header line. A Header line is one which labels the columns of data that will follow the Header line.
All lines following the Header line are data lines that are expected to contain the same number of columns as the Header line, and whose contents are defined by the labels found in each column of the Header line.
Labels in the section Begin and End lines, and labels in the Header line are NOT case sensitive and will be interpreted equally whether upper case, lower case, or some combination of both (for readability).
Labels may NOT contain embedded spaces. A label is terminated by a comma, line-end, or space. Labels may not be encapsulated in quote characters; however, data content in data lines may be encapsulated in quote characters and may contain embedded spaces or blanks if quoted.
Some labels in the Header line may be considered optional. The minimum required columns are indicated in the definition of each data section.
Columns in the Header line do not have to follow any particular order. They may be rearranged to the user’s liking. The only restriction is that data in subsequent data lines must match up with the labels placed in the Header line. Data lines may contain fewer columns than the Header line, but may not contain more. Data columns that the user wishes to deliberately omit, but omit between included columns, should be indicated by place holder commas (which will simply appear as blank cells in a spread sheet program).
A Begin line will contain three columns:
Column 1: BEGIN
Column 2: Function as noted below
Column 3: Sub-function as noted in definition of the Function.
Functions may be any of the following (with this listed expanded from time to time):
SNMP (client)
SNMP (agent)
SNMP (trap receiver)
NOTE: The same SNMP CSV file may NOT contain both client and server sections as DEVICES becomes ambiguous. SNMP requires different applications for different purposes (csiSnmpClient, csiSnmpAgent, csiSnmpTrapRecv). A fourth application, csiTrapHandler, is also associated with csiSnmpAgent.
The trap receiver runs as a separate task independent of both the SNMP server (agent) and SNMP client. This allows the trap receiver to have its own “new data” flag which allows the IoTServer to function as a trap forwarder if desired. The following illustrates a trap receive CSV configuration file.
Peername – Specifies the peername that the trap is expected to be received from. If an IP address is given, then the IP address of the incoming trap message is checked. If a host name is given and the incoming trap message contains a host that could be looked up (via DNS lookup), then the host name field is checked instead of IP address.
TrapOID – Specifies the Trap OID that is expected. Traps and Informs always contain a Trap OID identifying the trap or inform, along with additional varbinds with a data payload. The Trap OID must match the OID given here before action will be taken.
VarOID – Specifies the varbind OID to look for in the message if the Peername and Trap OID match.
Hint – Provides direction on how to interpret data in the event the value type is Octet String. All ASN data types are interpreted according to their type; however, Octet String will default to being interpreted as a character string unless this hint says otherwise, and the length is exactly 4 or 8 bytes (octets).
Hint Label |
Description |
None |
No special interpretation |
Float |
Treat 4-byte Octet String as RFC 6340 IEEE 754 32-bit floating point |
Double |
Treat 8-byte Octet String as RFC 6340 IEEE 754 64-bit floating point |
Fixed – Enter “Y” to specify that a fixed value should be placed in the local object when this trap is received, rather than try to derive a data value from the trap message. Enter “N” to parse data from the trap varbind to be placed in the local object.
FixedVal – The fixed value to be placed in the local object any time this trap is received, assuming the Fixed column indicates “Y”. This feature is most often used in conjunction with the Timeout feature.
Timeout – Integer number of seconds for trap receive timeout. Note that this is not a session timeout, it provides for an automatic reset of the local object value. If zero, then the timeout feature is disabled.
TimeoutVal – Specifies the fixed value that should be placed in the local object after the timeout period has expired. The typical scenario is that either the value gleaned from the trap message itself, or the fixed value, would be placed in the local object upon receiving the trap. Then ‘timeout’ period later, the timeout value is placed in the local object, replacing the trap value.
ResultObj – Specifies the local object where data retrieved from the varbind called out by VarOID will be placed (or fixed value will be placed) assuming the VarOID is found, and Peername and Trap OID match.