System Name
System Location
System Contact
Engine ID
Engine Boots
Set New
Seconds Since Start
Allow SNMPv1/v2c
v1/v2c Community
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The name, location, and contact listed above may be retrieved by the remote SNMP client.

Engine ID currently in use is displayed. The default engine ID is created per RFC 3411 based on the IPv6 IP address (required since the device is operating in dual stack mode). If a static IPv6 address is configured, that will be used, otherwise the auto-configured IPv6 address (link-local) will be used. The auto-configured IPv6 address is derived from the device's MAC address.

Engine Boots is the number of times this device has booted up. You normally have no need to alter this count. However, if you are replacing an existing SNMPv3 device, you should set the boots count to whatever the count was in the device being replaced since part of SNMPv3 security is to see that engine boots is incrementally bigger than before if it changes at all. To change the boot count, enter the new count, check the Set New box, click Update and then (after the page finishes refreshing), restart this device.

Seconds since start is displayed for information only.

Check Allow if SNMP v1/v2c should be permitted to access the MIB in this device. The v1/v2c community must be used by the remote SNMP v1/v2c client to Get or Set this device. The name "public" is no longer accepted (unless you explicitly enter it here - not recommended). Changes to the allow/disallow status for v1/v2c will take effect upon the next restart.