Showing to 2 of 2
Register Format
Register #
Local Object Name
Analog Output 6
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Write local registers out to remote registers. This page creates a map entry that writes data to one or more remote Modbus/TCP servers from data contained here. Click on map number to see more detail and insert/delete maps.

Map number simply tells you where you're at on the list of register maps. Click "next" and "prev" to scroll through the list. To advance directly to a specific map, enter the desired number in the "Showing" box, then click Update.

Maps entered on this page only write data to remote devices. Go to the Client Read Map to read data from those devices. The full parameter set is different for read versus write.

An abbreviated version of a list of maps is shown on this page. Any of the parameters shown may be changed here and registered by clicking the Update button. To view and/or modify the complete set of parameters, click on the map number in the left most column.

For each remote register to be written, enter the register type, format, number, and location (device). The names in the device list are defined in the Devices page. If register format is CHAR, you need to click on the map number and set the string size on the expanded view of the map. For coils or discrete inputs, use INT-16 or UINT-16 for register format - in this case, format only affects formatting of local register data. Modbus data will be taken from the local object designated.

Local Object # is a label such as "AI 2" following the format "XX N" where XX is a 2-character object type abbreviation, and N is the instance number. The following abbreviations are recognized:

LabelObject Type
AIAnalog Input
AOAnalog Output
AVAnalog Value
BIBinary Input
BOBinary Output
BVBinary Value
MIMultistate Input
MOMultistate Output
MVMultistate Value

Selecting "none" for remote type effectively deletes the map even though it will still appear in the list until deleted. Unused maps at the end of the list will always show none as the type.